
Insights and clients highlights 

Generation   demand   on   the  apprentice   (parody)

We've had some interesting enquiries since announcing the launch of Generation Demand, but this one was probably the most surprising...

How   to   find   companies   that   are   showing   buying intent   for   your   products   and   services

Not a lot of people know you can get a free weekly report via email with the top ten companies showing signals that they are (or will soon be) in-market for topics related to your products and services (based on the content they are consuming via third party cookies from across the web)

vollt  on  dragons'  den   (parody)

So what would happen if we went on Dragons' Den to pitch our client VOLLT? Probably something like this....

4  Demand  Generation  Tips  for  business  owners

Everyone has an opinion on marketing. But what are the key things business owners need to know about generating more demand?

going  viral  on  LinkedIn  

So how do you go viral on LinkedIn? It's not easy and can be quite random, as our founder Sean Ball found out when he shared a email from Cognism's Head of Demand Generation, Liam Bartholomew.

VOLLT  on   Joe  rogan's  podcast  (Parody)

Imagine if our Founder, Sean Ball went on Joe Rogan's podcast with Elon Musk to talk about VOLLT's new EV Charging Monetisation service. It would probably go something like this...

3   principles   for   marketing   success   in   2022

When it comes to marketing advice, it can be difficult to sieve out the gems that will actually help make a tangible impact on commercial outcomes. Here are our 3 guiding principles every business owner should know.

Demand   gen   vs   lead   gen 

There's a lot of talk about the differences between Demand Gen and Lead Gen these days. Our Founder Sean Ball discusses with Cognism's Head of Demand Gen, Liam Bartholomew.

Some  of  Our  amazing   Clients